European Commission

DG BUDGET Directorate General for Budget:

  • Pasqualina Romano
    Unit B4 – Revenue inspections, control and enforcement – Seconded National Expert

DG TRADE Directorate General for Trade

  • Gabriele Zanardo
    Unit F4 - Technology and Security, FDI Screening - Seconded National Expert

DG TAXUD - Taxation and Customs Union Directorate General

  • Dario Corona
    Unit A3 – Risk Management and security – Seconded National Expert
  • Francesco Pellegrini
    Unit B2 Architecture & Digital Operations
  • Anna Polimeni
    Unit A2 – Customs legislation - Temporary Agent
  • Sandro Le Noci
    Unit E4 – Trade Facilitation – Seconded National Expert

OLAF - European Anti-Fraud Office

  • Alessandro Sperati
    Unit B3 Customs and Trade – Operations and investigations - Seconded National Expert
  • Valerio Melani
    Unit C2 – Intelligence and Operational Analysis - Temporary Agent

European Economic and Social Committee /European Committee of the Regions

  • Gaetano Bertozzi Avanzini
    Security Service - Officer

WCO – World Customs Organisation

  • Giovanni Gaeta
    Capacity Building Directorate - Technical Officer

Rappresentanza permanente d’Italia presso l’Unione europea

  • Andrea Lombardi


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