50 Results for Determinazione 23 dicembre 2021 493869/RU

No results were found that matched the keywords: Determinazione 23 dicembre 2021 493869/RU.
  • Determina_23072021_CIG Z533282F65.pdf

    Determinazione n. 1367 del 23/07/2021 - pubblicata il 23/07/2021

  • 7 Ottobre 2021

    7 October 2021 Energy & Alcohol Time limit for sending data relating to the September accounts for: Registered recipients (ex operators and tax representatives) who carry...

  • Determinazioni direttoriali e circolari

    [311975 del 04/07/2022] – Circolare n. 26 - controlli per la corretta liquidazione dell’imposta dovuta sui prodotti accessori ai tabacchi da fumo - pubblicata il 05/07/2022 [311954 del 04/07/2022]...

  • 5 March 2021

    5 March 2021 Energy & Alcohol Time limit for submitting data relating to accounting for February of: Tax warehouse keepers (ex operators and tax representatives) who...

  • 5 February 2021

    5 February 2021 Energy & Alcohol Time limit for submitting data relating to the January accounting for: Tax warehouse keepers (ex operators and tax representatives) trading...