Banner nuovo codice doganale dell’unione - CDU

On May 1, 2016, the new Union Customs Code (UCC) and the related implementing (RE), supplementary (RD) and transitional (RDT) provisions come into force.

The Agency has defined a specific strategy and an implementation plan to limit operational impacts and adopt measures to ensure operators can benefit both from the simplifications provided for by the set of provisions of the new code and those already adopted at national level. The strategy and plan were illustrated to the main trade associations on 22 February 2016.

The abovementioned implementation plan was then shared with economic operators during the meeting of the e-customs technical table on 8 March 2016.

This section has been activated to guide operators during the process of adapting to the complex of the new provisions of the UCC which will last at least until 31.12.2020, the date on which the completion of the Union and national supporting IT systems is expected to take place, according to the timetable established by the Work Programme  (414 KB) defined by the EU.
