«Metamorfosi» is an initiative based on the idea of inclusion, implemented in collaboration with the Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti (House of the Spirit and Arts) and with the Department of the Penitentiary Administration. Once the judicial authority has released seized migrant sunken boats, ADM disposes said boats in compliance with the law and then provides inmates from different penitentiaries with wood from such boats. With the boats provided by ADM, the inmates of Casa di Reclusione di Milano – Opera penitentiary handcrafted and continue to handcraft unique musical instruments (violins, violas and violoncellos). One of these instrument was used to play the «canto del legno» (song of the wood) for the Pope, composed by Maestro Nicola Piovani for this specific purpose. This “special wood” is also used by inmates of other penitentiaries (Rebibbia and Monza) for the creation of crosses for schools and rosaries for the Pope.

The first wooden violin “Violino del Mare” (“Violin from the sea”), created with wood from boats bringing migrants to Lampedusa island.