The Agency

The Customs and Monopolies Agency is a regulatory authority, it has supervising powers and has the authority to impose sanctions in the fields of energy products (mineral oils, electric energy, natural gas, LNG, charcoal), alcohols, tobacco products and similar products, customs and public gaming. In these areas, it takes care of assessing and collecting taxes exercising inspection tasks of tax, currency and judicial Police.

ADM is a legal entity governed by public law. The Agency is subject to the supervisory control of the Ministry of Economy and Finance as well as to the control of the Court of Auditors.

ADM’s activity is regulated by the Institutional Decree, by the Statute and by the rules enacted while exercising its autonomy.

ADM operates according to the Agency’s work model based on three principles:

  • Structural breakdown: the Agency is responsible for the technical and operational activities put into place in accordance with the political guidelines laid down by the government.
  • Autonomy: the Agency adopts the organizational solutions deemed most appropriate and manages the (financial, organizational and staff) resources needed to pursue its strategic objectives.
  • Contractualization: the relations between the Agency and the MEF, Ministry of Economy and Finance, are regulated by a Convention, pursuant to art. 59 of the legislative decree 300/1999.

The goals

The Agency, working in the fields of excise duties, customs and State Monopolies, pursues four general objectives:

  1. It supports and promotes economic growth
  2. It protects European and Italian financial interests
  3. It guarantees the principles of lawfulness of the State
  4. It protects the health and safety of citizens


  • Facilitating the movement of goods and currency, also digital currencies, in international trade and promoting the operability of alcohol, tobacco products, energy products and gaming supply chains;
  • Guaranteeing, in the same sectors, the interests of the Treasury through activities of assessment and collection of taxes as well as supervising operators working in the afore-said sectors, through tests carried out by the Agency’s chemical laboratories;
  • Fighting against tax evasion and frauds in the fields for which it is responsible, exercising powers of tax, currency and judicial police.

ADM tasks

Supervision and antifraud

ADM adopts risk management models and intelligence templates in order to prevent and fight against tax evasion and illegal transactions related to goods and currency trafficking , also digital currencies. It fights against illicit transactions related to alcohol supply chains, mineral oils, electric energy, natural gas, games, tobacco products and similar products. ADM also performs controls, inspections and investigations in collaboration with Police Forces, international bodies and by proxy of European and accounting Judicial Authority.

International profile

ADM has a «genetic» international vocation. ADM officials are often engaged in activities performed across borders, or within Italian embassies (ADM attaché). It also cooperates with International and European institutions as well as with their EU counterparts and third countries counterparts. It manages the activities of European Programmes (such as DoganaFiscalisTaiex, ecc.) and participates to transnational administrative twinning projects as well to projects of cooperation and technical assistance.

Fight against illegal gaming

ADM chairs the Board for prevention and punishment of illegal gaming for the protection of minors (Co.PRe.G.I.), playing an important role in coordinating Police forces in enforcement activities on the territory. Furthermore, ADM is a permanent member within the Sports Betting Information Unit (UISS) in order to protect the sports world and its by-products, such as bets, against match-fixing collusive agreements.

Customs duties and services, taxation and excise duties in the supply chain of energy products, alcohols, tobacco products and gaming

ADM is responsible for the assessment and collection of levies allocated to the State budget and collects the EU own resources. It manages authorizations, services and concessions in the fields of excise duties, customs and monopolies and verifies compliance with administrative and fiscal obligations by the subjects under control and by other operators.

Fight against counterfeiting

ADM performs supervising activities, repression and outreach campaigns in order to fight against counterfeiting of goods and services hence protecting the Made in Italy through actions, collaborations and initiatives, also road-shows (see the Glass House), aiming at encouraging consumers to go towards safer and more aware choices when purchasing.

Management of seized assets

ADM manages assets that have been seized because of infringements in the fields of excise duties, customs and State monopolies, or other assets entrusted to ADM by other Administrations or Judicial Authorities. It takes care of administrative procedures with reference to the use of these assets, to their mandatory sale or transfer to the benefit of other institutions or administrations.

Chemical laboratories

ADM manages State chemical laboratories in support of supervisory and anti-fraud activities, in the fields of excise duties, customs and monopolies for the control of trade within customs areas and customs lines and for the control of supply chains of energy products, alcohols, tobacco products and similar products, for health protection and public safety and security.

Innovation technology

ADM is operational in digital transformation through the re-engineering process in the field of excise duties, customs and monopolies and in the related services to users. Innovation plays a key role in performing supervisory and control functions, developing interoperability between institutions and economic operators in all the areas of competence.

The organization

The Agency is operational on more than 400 locations distributed throughout the National territory at ports, airports, freight villages, main towns’ headquarters, border crossing-points and small islands. Staff members amount to more than 13,000 employees, all police officers and agents.

ADM officials are divided into 10 professional areas, i.e.:

Administrative: administrative officials, agents, administrative assistants

Chemical: chemists and biologists

Economic/financial: accountants, auditors, tax consultants, analysts, actuaries

Judicial: lawyers and legal professionals

Information technology: computer experts, computer technicians, math experts, statisticians, physicists

Engineering: engineers, architects, surveyors, industrial engineers

International: Experts in international relations, interpreters translators

External relations: institutional relations experts, experts in communication and events

Sanitary: doctors, paramedics

Support: drivers, bowmen, mechanics, canteen staff.

Foto delle attività dell’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli