Making an analysis request

In the absence of an agreement to run analysis under special economic terms, the request (with the relevant approvals) and/or conformity verification/declaration (as well as with specifications or standards requirements) must be submitted to the competent Chemical Laboratory, with the applicant's name clearly indicated.

It is the lab’s responsibility to provide the customer with information regarding the required amount of samples for the analysis, their packaging and, if necessary, the storage methods.


Laboratory Testing

The required tests are run on the basis of current legislation or on the basis of modes and methods currently in use at the laboratory, as agreed and stated in the contract stipulated with the customer.

The Chemical Laboratory will also inform the customer on the price of the analysis, the related payment methods and the time required for issuing the certificate.

Test result release

When the analysis has been accomplished, a Test Report is issued for the customer, in which the results of the tests and/or the required declarations of conformity are reported.


If the quantity of commodity product is equal to or greater than a minimum quantity necessary for the analysis, the sample can be accepted.


Sample Laboratory Container

Containers to be used for sending samples must be of a suitable nature and shape, such as to avoid any change in the composition of the sample or any contamination or accidental chemical alteration during transport or storage.