Eventi e Convegni

Event data

Event data
Date and time 13 dicembre 2022 ore 10
Location Roma

Event programme

Comparative Study of the functions and activities of ADM and its counterparts in the G20 countries

The Italian Customs, Excise and Monopolies Agency presented the G20 Policy Monitor in the Room of the Parliament Groups’ Building last Tuesday 13th December.

The report compares regulations and surveillance activities in G20’s customs, excise duties and monopolies sectors. This tool, aimed at identifying best practices in the other Countries, defines a better institutional organization.

Moreover, this event provided the opportunity to present the report and the new tender concerning the “Dimensione Sociale ADM” (“ADM Social Dimension) initiative: this allowed the Third Sector’s Bodies to propose projects and gather funds through the several operators in the sectors regulated by ADM

ADM Calendar 2023 was presented at the end of the meeting.