This Office coordinates all international activities aimed at protecting national and European Union economic interests, within the fields of competence of the Agency. It develops, in line with the foreseen ministerial directives, the foreign initiative actions of the Agency. It promotes the Agency's participation in international programs and initiatives. It manages cooperation programs with similar European and international structures. It analyses the administrative twinning and technical assistance projects of interest, organised, and financed by the European Union; it prepares the technical proposals and, in case of award of a tender, it conducts and manages the relevant activities envisaged by the project. In agreement with the Personnel Directorate, it selects the employees to propose to the Director of the Agency for applications to the European Union and other international bodies. The Office adopts and signs the administrative acts that bind the Agency in the context of projects financed by international programmes. For the purposes of participation in projects that include ICT content, it incorporates the technical assessments of the Organization and Digital Transformation Directorate. It manages all international missions with the support of the competent structures. It provides constant support to the Director of the Agency in managing international commitments. It organises international meetings and events and manages, from an authorization point of view, the activities connected to international missions for all the Agency's employees.

Director:  Andrea MAZZELLA

Phone number: +39 06 58571027



The Office is made up of the following non-general management level office.

This Office supports the Director in managing the relations with European and international institutions, with the administrations of other countries and with the competent departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in the development of the international strategic direction of the Agency and consequently in the definition of the position to adopt in European and international fora. It follows the approval process of EU legislation and World Customs Organization directives and supports the Director in the consequent actions in the relevant groups and committees. Where requested, it provides direct support to the Director of the Agency for the management of relations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in procedures relating to the stipulation of technical agreements in accordance with the legislation in force. It supports the Director in the negotiation of bilateral and multilateral agreements, arrangements, and memoranda within the Agency's competence, directly handling their management. It ensures participation in the Finance Evaluation Unit of European Union acts and it provides any other information requested by national institutions on the Agency's international activities. It analyses administrative twinning projects and cooperation and technical assistance projects financed by the European Union. For projects that include ICT content, this Office incorporates the technical assessments of the Organization and Digital Transformation Directorate. This Office manages the organization of seminars, conferences, exchanges, and meetings planned as part of initiatives of the European Union and other international bodies and coordinates, in collaboration with the competent structures of the Agency, the staff training initiatives promoted by the European Union, the World Customs Organization and other international schools or institutes. It manages the preliminary assessment process and the selection process of the Agency's staff applications for the positions available at the European Union, the World Customs Organization and international cooperation and assistance missions. It manages the activities of European programs according to the procedures established by the European Union. It supports the Agency's Central Directorates by offering interpreting and translation services. It ensures participation, for the matters of competence, in committees and working groups at national and international level. It carries out preliminary assessment activities for the Director in the drafting of sector- specific regulations for the aspects within his competence. In the matters within its competence, it handles the questions received via the online URP, coordinates and monitors the compliant application of the regulatory provisions and practices by the Agency's structures.

Director: Raffaele CAPUANO

Phone number:


This Office supports the Director in managing the relations with European and international institutions, with the administrations of other countries and with the competent departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in the development of the international strategic direction of the Agency and consequently in the definition of the position to adopt in European and international fora. It follows the approval process of EU legislation and World Customs Organization directives and supports the Director in the consequent actions in the relevant groups and committees. Where requested, it provides direct support to the Director of the Agency for the management of relations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in procedures relating to the stipulation of technical agreements in accordance with the legislation in force. It supports the Director in the negotiation of bilateral and multilateral agreements, arrangements, and memoranda within the Agency's competence, directly handling their management. It ensures participation in the Finance Evaluation Unit of European Union acts and it provides any other information requested by national institutions on the Agency's international activities. It analyses administrative twinning projects and cooperation and technical assistance projects financed by the European Union. For projects that include ICT content, this Office incorporates the technical assessments of the Organization and Digital Transformation Directorate. This Office manages the organization of seminars, conferences, exchanges, and meetings planned as part of initiatives of the European Union and other international bodies and coordinates, in collaboration with the competent structures of the Agency, the staff training initiatives promoted by the European Union, the World Customs Organization and other international schools or institutes. It manages the preliminary assessment process and the selection process of the Agency's staff applications for the positions available at the European Union, the World Customs Organization and international cooperation and assistance missions. It manages the activities of European programs according to the procedures established by the European Union. It supports the Agency's Central Directorates by offering interpreting and translation services. It ensures participation, for the matters of competence, in committees and working groups at national and international level. It carries out preliminary assessment activities for the Director in the drafting of sector- specific regulations for the aspects within his competence. In the matters within its competence, it handles the questions received via the online URP, coordinates and monitors the compliant application of the regulatory provisions and practices by the Agency's structures.


Phone number:
