Following reports from OLAF, the video overview describes in detail the phases of the investigative process activated by the Anti-Fraud and Controls Department.

OLAF is an independent body that operates within the European Commission and carries out administrative investigations:

  • on conducts that damage the European Union budget;
  • on the conduct of the staff of the European institutions.

In the first case, to ascertain phenomena of fraud that may harm the financial interests of the European Union, OLAF can open investigative cases and request the support of the Customs Authorities of the Member States to carry out the investigations. The Italian Customs Administration also takes part in the investigations ordered by OLAF. The Anti-Fraud and Controls Directorate is in fact entrusted with the management of information from OLAF, "also in the context of mutual assistance in customs matters on cases of fraud, INF AM and joint customs operations (JCO)".

MP4Video overview