The Agency’s Director General is the legal representative of the Agency, and it is he who directs and is responsible for it. He issues all the measures that according to the rules of the founding decree and this Statute, are not attributed, to other bodies. In particular, the Director of the Agency:

  1. chairs the Management Committee and proposes for the Committee's resolution the statute, the regulations, the general acts that regulate the functioning of the Agency, the budget document, the budget referred to in articles 2423 et seq of the civil code, the strategic business plans and expenses that commit the Agency's budget for amounts exceeding three million euro, the establishment and participation in consortia and companies referred to in Article 59, paragraph 5, of the founding decree;
  2. determines the corporate strategic choices, after assessment by the Management Committee;
  3. stipulates the agreement referred to in Article 59 of the founding decree, after consulting the Management Committee and the trade unions, in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 2, of this Statute;
  4. appoints the managers, submitting those nomination relating to the heads of the central and regional top structures to the preventive evaluation of the Management Committee;
  5. determines the guidelines and programs of the Agency in order to achieve the results set out in the agreement and allocates the necessary resources for this;
  6. puts in place the management acts and exercises the related spending and revenue acquisition powers, without prejudice to the competences delegated to managers;
  7. determines the forms and instruments of collaboration with the other structures of the Financial Administration and with the other entities and bodies that in any case operate in the taxation sectors falling within the competence of the State, with the system of local autonomies, as well as with other national authorities and local authorities and with the community and international authorities and bodies institutionally responsible for the specific operational areas in the spheres of competence of the Agency, also through the signing of specific memoranda of understanding and implementing the guidelines of the Minister for the purposes of coordination referred to in Article 56 , paragraph 1, letter d) of the founding decree;
  8. participates in the bargaining of the sector relating to the so-called "central functions" and in the signing of supplementary contracts and collective agreements of the Agency.

The duties of the Director of the Agency in the event of absence from service or temporary impediment are exercised by the Deputy Director for urgent and non-deferrable actions. In the event of the concurrent absence of the Director and Deputy Director of the Agency, the urgent and non-deferrable actions are adopted by the top manager of the central structure, present in service, with greater seniority in the first band. The Deputy Director replaces the Director for the acts of ordinary administration in the case of impediment lasting more than 30 days, as well as in the event of termination for any reason from the office.

Source: Statute of the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency

Director General:  Roberto ALESSE

Address: Piazza Mastai, n. 12 - 00153 Rome

Telephone: 0039  06 58573800


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