Direct telephone number of Customs Agency , Rome 0039 06 50241

Ufficio Telematico di Relazioni con il Pubblico

The Customs Agency is provided with a Telematic Office of Relations with Public, now in experimental phase, to which it is possible to access by the website home page "Cover" section.
By this service, answers will be furnished to information or explanations applications.

For solving problems connected to the use of the software distributed by the Agency, a software assistance toll-free number is active 800 257 428.
For E.D.I. (Electronic Data Interchange) information, it is to consult the space dedicated to the present matter in home page, "Cover" section, or to write to the mail box 
For the INTRASTAT software information, it is to consult the space dedicated to the present matter in the home page, "Main Menu", or to write to the mail-box
Besides reports regarding the WEB site management can be sent to the boxes: